September 22, 2024

The Athletic Edge: How Parents Can Fuel Peak Performance

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Unlock Your Child’s Full Athletic Potential with Expert Guidance

September 15, 2024

The Athletic Edge: How Parents Can Fuel Peak Performance

Unlock Your Child’s Full Athletic Potential with Expert Guidance

Limited-Time Offer: Save $50


Code expires on 09/15/24 at 11:59 p.m. CST

$299.99 from (349.99)

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As a parent, you’ve invested countless hours and resources into your child’s physical training. But what about their mental game? In today’s competitive sports environment, mastering mental toughness is just as crucial as physical preparedness. That’s where our 4-week course, "The Athletic Edge: How Parents Can Fuel Peak Performance," comes in.

Course Overview

Dates: September 22, 29

October 6, 13 and 20 (Bonus Week)

Duration: 4 Weeks + 3 Bonuses

Platform: Zoom/Online Platform

Investment: $349.99

100% Money-Back Guarantee

This transformative course will guide you through practical strategies and insights to elevate your child’s mental training, ensuring they perform at their peak in every game, match, or competition.

Why This Course?

Your child’s success in sports isn’t just about how fast they run or how high they jump—it’s about how mentally prepared they are to face challenges, setbacks, and high-pressure situations in sports & in life.
The content of this course will be life lessons that you & your child will take with you long after their playing careers are through

What You’ll Learn

Understanding Mental Training

Learn why mental training is as crucial as physical conditioning and how you can incorporate it into your child’s routine.

Empowering Your Athlete

Discover practical ways to boost your child’s confidence, focus, and resilience on and off the field.

Personalized Roadmaps

Develop a customized mental training plan tailored to your child’s unique needs and sports environment.

Navigating Challenges

Equip yourself with tools to help your athlete overcome common mental hurdles, such as performance anxiety and self-doubt.

Why This Course?

Your child’s success in sports isn’t just about how fast they run or how high they jump—it’s about how mentally prepared they are to face challenges, setbacks, and high-pressure situations. This course is designed to help you, as a parent, become the best possible support system for your athlete, ensuring they have the mental edge needed to succeed.

What You’ll Learn

Understanding Mental Training

Learn why mental training is as crucial as physical conditioning and how you can incorporate it into your child’s routine.

Empowering Your Athlete

Discover practical ways to boost your child’s confidence, focus, and resilience on and off the field.

Personalized Roadmaps

Develop a customized mental training plan tailored to your child’s unique needs and sports environment.

Navigating Challenges

Equip yourself with tools to help your athlete overcome common mental hurdles, such as performance anxiety and self-doubt.

Book Club Component

As part of this course, we’ll be diving into Raising Empowered Athletes by Kirsten Jones, a must-read for any sports parent. This book will serve as both a guide and a discussion point, helping us explore the best strategies to empower your athlete from the inside out.

Kirsten is a Hall of Fame Division 1 volleyball player, a 14-year NIKE executive, a motivational speaker, peak performance coach and the author of Raising Empowered Athletes: A Youth Sports Parenting Guide for Raising Happy, Brave and Resilient Kids.

As a coach, she works with athletes, entrepreneurs and leaders, where she helps them learn how to reach their goals by releasing their limitations.  Kirsten's super power is helping people get out of their heads and into their bodies so they can feel their best and perform beyond what even they dreamed possible.

Book Club Component

As part of this course, we’ll be diving into Raising Empowered Athletes by Kirsten Jones, a must-read for any sports parent. This book will serve as both a guide and a discussion point, helping us explore the best strategies to empower your athlete from the inside out.

Kirsten is a Hall of Fame Division 1 volleyball player, a 14-year NIKE executive, a motivational speaker, peak performance coach and the author of Raising Empowered Athletes: A Youth Sports Parenting Guide for Raising Happy, Brave and Resilient Kids.

As a coach, she works with athletes, entrepreneurs and leaders, where she helps them learn how to reach their goals by releasing their limitations.  Kirsten's super power is helping people get out of their heads and into their bodies so they can feel their best and perform beyond what even they dreamed possible.

Exclusive Bonuses

Bonus 1: Nutrition for Athletes

Learn what you need to know to properly fuel your athlete for peak performance. This bonus session covers essential nutrition strategies tailored to athletes, ensuring they have the energy, endurance, and recovery needed to excel.

Why Choose "The Athletic Edge"?

  • Expert-Led: Learn from professionals who have been where you are and understand the challenges of raising an athlete.

  • Interactive & Engaging: Participate in live sessions, discussions, and activities that make learning fun and applicable.

  • Holistic Approach: Focus on both mental and physical aspects of sports performance, ensuring your child is well-rounded and prepared.

Exclusive Bonuses

Bonus #1 - Nutrition for Athletes

Learn what you need to know to properly fuel your athlete for peak performance. This bonus session covers essential nutrition strategies tailored to athletes, ensuring they have the energy, endurance, and recovery needed to excel.

Bonus #2 - Recruiting Insider Tips from Current College Coaches

Get Insider Tips from Five College Coaches: Learn exactly what coaches are seeking in their next recruiting class. From on-field skills and classroom performance to the important role parents play in the recruitment process—get the full picture of what it takes to stand out!

Bonus #3 - 1 on 1 Consult with Sarah

Work 1 on 1 with Sarah to create a personalized roadmap designed to help both you and your child unlock your full potential in every aspect of life.

Meet Sarah Vanlaecken

Founder and CEO

Sarah has been deeply involved in athletics from a young age, excelling as a four-sport athlete in high school and later competing at the University of South Dakota, where she earned both athletic and academic All-American honors. Her successful athletic career transitioned into a broad coaching career, working with athletes ranging from amateurs to semi-professionals and covering sports like basketball, track & field, and strength & conditioning. She also offers life, health, and wellness coaching.

Sarah has spent nearly 20 years in Higher Education, with a significant tenure as a professor at Augustana University. Her coaching philosophy is centered on helping athletes navigate pressures and realize their full potential, drawing from her personal experiences as an athlete, coach, professor, and mom of 4.

In addition to coaching high school girls' basketball, Sarah conducts Wellness Workshops and is a Clarity Catalyst trainer, focusing on mindfulness and emotional intelligence. She balances her professional life with family, enjoying outdoor activities like fishing and camping with her husband, Erik, and their four children.

From Frustration to Fun

I was at a crossroads in my athletic journey, seriously contemplating quitting the sport I once loved due to crippling mental mindset and confidence issues. That's when I had the privilege of working with Sarah.

Her unwavering support and coaching expertise have truly been life-changing.Through Sarah's guidance, I've witnessed a complete turnaround in my physical play. What was once a source of frustration and anxiety has become fun, rewarding, and filled with endless possibilities.